The Information Request Block allows your customer to submit their personal contact information to you by electronic mail. This information can be used that you might send a free catalog of your products or offer free consultation of your services. You can also use this form to add people to your mailing list. If you would like to create your own form for submitting information to your email address, we have provided a script for you. Click Here for more information.
Email to Send Information: Enter the Email address that you wish the customers information to sent to. If this field is left blank, the customers information will be sent to the default Email set in your Member Profile.
Subject on Email: The purpose of this field is to allow you to know why and where this information request form is being sent to you. The subject you enter here will show up as the "Subject" on the email message you receive.
Description on Email: You can type detailed information that will display in the body of the email message your receive. This can supply you more details about why this information request form was sent.
Company text box: Select the checkbox to allow your customers to enter their company name. This box will appear just under the "Name" field.
Fax text box: Select the checkbox to include a "Fax" field where your customers can enter in their fax number.
Comments text box: By selecting this checkbox, you will add a "Comments" text area that will allow your customers to submit any extra comments they may have for you.
Add user to mail list: By selecting this box, the customers name and Email address will automatically be added to your EZ-Mailing List.
Insert Blank Line: Select this box to add a blank line below your Information Request Block. This will create some space before your next block begins.
Spell Check: Use this button to check your spelling in the "Subject on Email" and "Description on Email" fields.
Click the "Submit" button to save your changes and to create your Information Request Block. To return without adding this block, click the "Cancel" button.