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Promotional Tools
Promoting your web site is a big part of getting a successful web site. If no one can find your site, it does not matter how beautiful or sophisticated it is. Yet, some simple web sites that are well promoted are very successful. There are many things you can do in the normal course of your business to promote your web site. In addition, there are some tools included with EZ-NetTools that can be helpful.
You should be sure to include references to your web site in all of your promotional efforts. Include your web address (domain name) on your business cards, in your ads, on your letter head, in your yellow pages listing, and on any advertising material. Any time you talk to people you should mention your web site.
Below are brief descriptions of the promotional tools that are include with EZ-Nettools. More detailed descriptions are available by clicking on the link on the side bar.
Search Engine Tools.
Search engine tools can be one of the best methods to drive traffic to your web site. A search engine is a web site that people visit when they are searching for information. The search engines catalog vast numbers of web sites. At the search engine they will enter a keyword or words and the search engine will display web sites associated with those keywords. Popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, and MSN. The search engine companies are changing all the time. As a result this information may be stale very quickly. Consequently, you may want to check currently issues of the EZ-NetAdvantage for updated information.
There are many factors that search engines use to associate and rank web sites to key words. Among those factors are the meta tags associated with the page. So be sure to use your meta tags on your pages.
In the early days of the internet, most search engines and directories were free. Now, just a few are free. The rest charge a fee for commercial web site. EZ-Net Tools provides links to the free search engines and a way to keep track of when you last submitted. The links on the promotional tools to the paid search engines will take to pages describing that class of search engines and a list organizations in the class. Refer to the link in the side bar for more information.
EZ-Affiliate is a tool included with EZ-NetTools that allows you to link multiple web sites together to share information. For example you could recognize when another web site has sent someone to your site. It is possible to capture that information if the person places an order. Refer to the link for more information.
EZ-Link Trader
EZ-Link trader is a tool to help you communicate with and trade links, that you can trade on your web site and other web sites. Trading links is one of the most effective promotional tool and can influence your search engine ranking. Refer to the link in the side bar for more information.
EZ-Hit Counter
EZ-NetTools will automatically count how many times each of your pages has been displayed. With this tool you can learn which pages are the most popular and which are not getting visited. Refer to the link in the side bar for more information. Note: this same tool is also located in the Administrative tools.
EZ-Mail List
Developing a list of interested people is a great way to promote your web site. Your other advertising will drive people to your site. If you have done a good job of peaking their interest, many will sign up for more information. It usually takes a while to build your list, once created you can continue contact with them through newsletters and periodic special mailings. With this tool you can maintain that list. Refer to the link in the side bar for more information.
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