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Title Block

Basic Configurations
Text: Type in the text for your title.

Alignment: Select from Left, Center, or Right to align your title.

Advanced Configurations
Link: If you want your title to link to another page or site, enter the URL here. If the link is in your EZ-Net Tools™ account, click on the 'Browse' button to use the EZ-Browse to find the file you'd like to link to. If you wish to link to another site, you will need to use the full URL (http://...)

Select: Use the "Font|Color|Size" button to set the attributes for your titls.

Insert Blank Line: Check this box to add a blank space after this block.

Spell Check: Use this button to check your spelling for the text for your title block.

Click the 'Submit' button to save your changes and return to EZ-PageBuilder™. Click 'Cancel' if you do not want to make changes.

PageBuilder Blocks 
 Text -Simple 
 Bulleted Text 
 Horizontal Line 
 Graphic & Text 
 Graphic & Bulleted Text 
 Graphic - Text - Graphic 
 Button Bar 
 Button Builder 
 Information Request 
 Site Search 
 Shopping Cart 
 Credit Cards 
 Order Button 
 Maillist Edit 
 Directory Listing 
 ------EZ-Form Builder---- 
 Form Builder 
 Text Field 
 Text Area Field 
 List Box Field 
 Check Box Field 
 Radio Button Field 
 Hidden Field 
 Form Button Field 
 Sample Forms 
 *Form Field Names help 
 Display Information 
 Link from Affiliate to Target 
 Link from Target to Affiliate 
 Affiliate Login 
 Address Search 
 Layout Manager 
 Text - Advanced