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EZ-FormBuilder System Form Fields and Uses
The following is a listing of the names and uses of the EZ-FormBuilder form fields.
FORM Element Description
FORMname Name of the form
FORMRedirect Flag for redirection
FORMRedirectURL URL for redirection
FORMdatafile Type of file to attach
FORMusername Used for redirection to a password protected page
FORMpassword Used for redirection to a password protected page
FORMemail E-mail address(es) to send form data to when submitted
FORMsubject Subject of e-mail
FORMmessage Message to appear with the data in the e-mail
FORMresponder Flag for sending the auto response e-mail
FORMmaillist Flag for adding to the mail list
FORMreturnAddress Used as the From address on the auto responder e-mail
FORMsubject2 Used as the subject in the auto responder e-mail
FORMmessage2 Used as the body of the auto responder e-mail
FORMpayment Flag for a payment form
FORMfixed Flag for if the payment form has a fixed amount
FORMpaymentName If the payment form is not a fixed amount, this is the field name that it would look for
FORMpaymentAmount Amount on the form
FORMbackURL URL used for the back link when the form is submitted
FORMAccount CustomerID for the form
FORMcreditName Name on the credit card
FORMcreditNumber Credit card number
FORMcreditPayType Credit card type
FORMcreditMonth Credit card expiration month
FORMcreditYear Credit card expiration year
FORMcreditIssue Used for the switch/solo cards
bill_to_address Used in a payment form to pass to the gateway
bill_to_city Used in a payment form to pass to the gateway
bill_to_state Used in a payment form to pass to the gateway
bill_to_zip Used in a payment form to pass to the gateway
bill_to_phone Used in a payment form to pass to the gateway
SubmitEmail Used in a payment form to pass to the gateway

PageBuilder Blocks 
 Text -Simple 
 Bulleted Text 
 Horizontal Line 
 Graphic & Text 
 Graphic & Bulleted Text 
 Graphic - Text - Graphic 
 Button Bar 
 Button Builder 
 Information Request 
 Site Search 
 Shopping Cart 
 Credit Cards 
 Order Button 
 Maillist Edit 
 Directory Listing 
 ------EZ-Form Builder---- 
 Form Builder 
 Text Field 
 Text Area Field 
 List Box Field 
 Check Box Field 
 Radio Button Field 
 Hidden Field 
 Form Button Field 
 Sample Forms 
 *Form Field Names help 
 Display Information 
 Link from Affiliate to Target 
 Link from Target to Affiliate 
 Affiliate Login 
 Address Search 
 Layout Manager 
 Text - Advanced