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Advanced Text Block


            The Advanced Text Block is an easy way for you to convert your ideas into working web pages. The look and feel of the Advanced Text Block is much like that of a word processor. You will find many of the same functions as those in a word processor, like adding a table or image and changing the color of the font, but there are also some new changes that add to the ease of creating a web page with EZ NetTools EZPageBuilder.

            Note: This block uses software code that is not supported by all browsers. If you experience problems (like icons not appearing), you will need to update your browser to the latest version. To do this, you can visit these links; for Internet Explorer, here, for Netscape click here. Even then we have noticed som anomolies and querks.



            The buttons that you will see at the top of the edit block are very similar to those of your word processor. Each one of the buttons has a roll-over feature, all you have to do is point your mouse over the button for a moment and then a simple description of the button will appear. This can aid you if you have forgotten or do not know what the button does.


Font – This pull-down menu is for the different fonts you can use in your text block. There are two ways you can do this. First, select the font you wish to use and then start typing. Second, highlight the text you wish to change then select the font from the pull down menu.


Size – This pull-down menu offer you the ability to change the size of the text. The list of sizes contains both the size on points (most common) and that of HTML code.


Pre-selected Styles – The pre-selected styles are used for creating headers and addresses; these are pre-formatted sizes and styles. The headers vary in size, while the address style changes the text to look italicized.


Font Format – These four basic buttons change the way the font is displayed. Bold, italics, underline and strikethrough.


Sub / Superscript – After highlighting a section of text when you click on the sub or superscript buttons it will place the text either below or above, respectively, to the normal text.


Text Editing – The copy, cut and paste buttons allow you to move your already written text around. The undo and redo buttons allow you to fix mistakes if they happen to occur.


Justification – The three justification buttons allow you to change the justification of your text from left, which is default, to center or right justification.


Ordered / Bulleted Lists – These buttons allow you to make bulleted or numbered, ordered lists. These can be helpful for putting a list of items or when doing an outline. As you indent your outline, you will want to use the "indentation" feature.


Indentations – The increase and decrease indent buttons can be helpful for when you wish to add a tab to the beginning of a paragraph or when placing a quote in your text body.


Color – The color text and color background buttons can be used to add some flavor to your text block. They work just like those found in a word processor, after highlighting the text you can change its color or add a background color to the text for emphasis.


Horizontal Rule – This button places a horizontal rule line in the middle of your text block. This is useful for separating ideas or thoughts or paragraphs.


Web Link – After you highlight the text you wish to have as the hypertext you click on this button to open a small window that makes creating a web link a breeze. All you need to do is fill in the URL and it will create a link within your text.


Picture Insert – Similar to the web link button, the picture insert button opens another window. From this window you can use the EZ-Browse button to search among your uploaded pictures to insert them into your text block. Also, you can set it up so that the picture is a link as well. With the preview button you can make sure you have selected the correct picture before finalizing. Also, with a little bit of work you can get the text to flow around the picture.


Table Insert – This function allows you to insert a table into your text. You can specify the size of the table in rows and columns; also you can specify the cell padding. When working with a table, another set of icons become active. This is a very advanced but complex feature.


Toggle HTML Source – This is a new feature; it allows you to toggle between the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) and the HTML source code in an instant. This is for the more advanced users, as in the HTML source view you can edit the code directly and make changes. A great website for those that are interested in learning HTML is www.w3schools.com.


Enlarge Editor – This button is for those the wish to see the edit block in full screen rather then in window view. All of the features are there, just on a bigger scale.

Below is a list of useful tips that are helpful when using the advanced text block.

The Advanced text block auto defaults double spacing. Hit Shift Enter to single space a line.

To avoid getting a funky à character when typing text into the block. Use a single spacing instead of double spacing text.

The advanced text block is not comaptible with AOL browsers. Instead use updated versions of Netscape, Internet Explorer, or Mozilla Firefox.

Note: Copyright (c) 2002-2003, interactivetools.com, inc.
All rights reserved.

PageBuilder Blocks 
 Text -Simple 
 Bulleted Text 
 Horizontal Line 
 Graphic & Text 
 Graphic & Bulleted Text 
 Graphic - Text - Graphic 
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 Site Search 
 Shopping Cart 
 Credit Cards 
 Order Button 
 Maillist Edit 
 Directory Listing 
 ------EZ-Form Builder---- 
 Form Builder 
 Text Field 
 Text Area Field 
 List Box Field 
 Check Box Field 
 Radio Button Field 
 Hidden Field 
 Form Button Field 
 Sample Forms 
 *Form Field Names help 
 Display Information 
 Link from Affiliate to Target 
 Link from Target to Affiliate 
 Affiliate Login 
 Address Search 
 Layout Manager 
 Text - Advanced