The Credit Card block will display the graphics for all the credit cards that you accept. No credit cards will be displayed if you have not specified which credit cards you accept in EZ-Order. To set your credit cards, go into Payment Options and click on "Configure" next to Credit Card. Select the credit cards you accept and click on Save, then click on Submit. Return to EZ-PageBuilder™ to add your Credit Card block.
Text: Type in a short description for your Credit Cards. This text will display above the credit cards.
Change Text Details: Use the "Font|Color|Size" button to change the font atributes for your Text.
Insert Blank Line: Select the checkbox to add a blank space at the end of this block.
Spell Check: Use this button to spell check the text contained in the "Text" field.
Click the "Submit" button to save your changes and return to your EZ-PageBuilder™ page. Click the "Cancel" button to return to EZ-PageBuilder™ without saving changes.