This block allows you to use one of our provided banners to advertise any specials or seasonal items you may have.
Special Banner: Click on the "EZ-SpecialPicker" button to view and select the banner you would like to use. You may also put in a personalized banner if you type in the full URL for the graphic in the field provided. (i.e. http://abc.eznettools.net/yourdomainname/graphicfilename.gif)
Link: You can have your specials banner link another page on your site. Click the "Browse" button to open the EZ-Browse window. Find and select the page you wish this banner to link to and click the "Open" button in EZ-Browse. Your link will be placed in the "Link to" field. If this field is left blank, it wil automatically link to your "index.html" page.
Alt Text: By typing text in this field, you can create some alternate text for your graphic. Whenever a mouse hovers over the specials banner for a few seconds, this text will pop up.
Size: With this option , you can specify the specific dimensions of your Specials graphic. These dimensions are measured in pixels.
Insert Blank Line: Select this box to add blank space between this block and the following block.
Spell Check: Use this button to check your spelling in the "Alt Text" field.
View Specials: This button will display all the banners with their filename.
Click the "Submit" button to add and save your Specials Block to your page. To return to EZ-PageBuilder™ without adding the block, click the "Cancel" button.