This is an advanced feature which requires knowledge of HTML. "form.cgi" is a script not related to EZ-Nettools that can be used to process custom forms. It will email to a specified email address all the fields from a form that is submitted to it. The email will display each field name equal to its field value.
To use this script follow these directions:
- Create a form using an HTML block with the fields that you wish to recieve.
- Set the action of the form to this path:
Make sure you put your email after the question mark. Mulitple emails may be placed after the ? as well seperated by a , or ;
- Create a hidden field in the form with a name of "rurl" and the value as the full path of where you want the form to push to.
Example: <input type=hidden name="rurl" value="http://yourpathhere"> If no rurl is passed, the form will push back to the current page.
Example Form Code:<form action="/cgi-bin/ez-pagebuilder/form.cgi?your@email.here" method=post> <input type=hidden name="rurl" value="http://abc.eznettools.net/yourreturnurlhere"> <input type=text name="yourtext"> <input type=checkbox name="yourcheckbox" value="1"> <textarea name="yourtextarea"></textarea> </form>
Form Tutorial
Click here to use this tutorial taken from the EZ-NetAdvantage!™ to create your own customizable form.