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Link from Target to Affiliate Block

Return those visiting your target page to their referring affiliate
Once a visitor arrives to your target page from an affiliate referrer site, give them the ability to return to the affiliate site's homepage or order form. The Link from Target to Affiliate block allows a choice between a Return URL and an Order URL to return to the affiliate site. These options are also available with the 'Create Link' option in the Display Information Pagebuilder block
  1. Open EZ-PageBuilder™
  2. Create and customize the target page your affiliates will link to.
  3. Click add and select the 'Link from Target to Affiliate' block under the Affiliate sub-heading.
  4. Click on "Next Step".

Basic Configurations
Label: Enter the link text

URL-Type: Select 'Return' to send your visitors back to the affiliate's specified Return URL. Select 'Order' to return visitors to the affiliate's order page if specified. If no address was specified by the affiliate, link will default to the index page in the target's current directory.

Advanced Configurations
Button Type: Choose 'Button' if you wish your return link to appear as a javascript button. Text will appear as an HTML link if you select 'Link.'

Alignment: Select if you would like the Return Link to be justified left, center, or right on the page.

Select Options: Use the "Font|Color|Size" button to adjust the size, color and font of the text that appears if it is an HTML link.

Click the "Submit" button when you are done to add your Display Information block.

Click the "Cancel" to exit without making any changes.
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PageBuilder Blocks 
 Text -Simple 
 Bulleted Text 
 Horizontal Line 
 Graphic & Text 
 Graphic & Bulleted Text 
 Graphic - Text - Graphic 
 Button Bar 
 Button Builder 
 Information Request 
 Site Search 
 Shopping Cart 
 Credit Cards 
 Order Button 
 Maillist Edit 
 Directory Listing 
 ------EZ-Form Builder---- 
 Form Builder 
 Text Field 
 Text Area Field 
 List Box Field 
 Check Box Field 
 Radio Button Field 
 Hidden Field 
 Form Button Field 
 Sample Forms 
 *Form Field Names help 
 Display Information 
 Link from Affiliate to Target 
 Link from Target to Affiliate 
 Affiliate Login 
 Address Search 
 Layout Manager 
 Text - Advanced