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Radio Button Field
Radio Button Fields are used to allow users to select a single item. An example of its use would be to select the color of an item someone is purchasing. If you want multiple options to be selected, you should use a Check Box Field.

These are radio buttons
Radio Button 1    Radio Button 2

Basic Configurations
Description: Any text in this field will show up next to your radio button field on the form.

Alignment: You can choose to left, center, or right align the text from the description field.

Fill Whole Row: If you select yes, your description text will be on its own line, causing your radio button field to appear below the description.

Values: This is were you enter the items that you want displayed in you radio button field. To add an item, enter it in the text field and click the right arrow. To remove an item, select it in the list box field and click the left arrow. To move an item up or down in the list, select it in the list box field and click to move it up or down.

Default Selected: Using this drop down box, you can choose which of your items will be selected by default.

Advanced Configurations
The Advanced Configurations of form builder are best used if you know how to program. Our Customer Support may help in some areas, but we do not directly support the programming and suggest that you learn as much as you can prior to using these configurations.

Field Name: This is the name of your radio button field. This could be useful to know if you are using JavaScript programming with your form.

Onclick: Occurs when a user clicks on the radio button field. This can be used in JavaScript programming.

Onfocus: Occurs when a user clicks or tabs into the radio button field. This can be useful in JavaScript programming.

Onblur: Occurs when a user clicks or tabs out of the radio button field. This can be useful in JavaScript programming.

Onchange: The onchange feature is not available to the radio button field.

Number per row: This is the number of radio buttons in your list that you want displayed on one line before they are displayed on another line of the page.

Insert Blank Line: Select this box to insert a blank line after the radio button field.

PageBuilder Blocks 
 Text -Simple 
 Bulleted Text 
 Horizontal Line 
 Graphic & Text 
 Graphic & Bulleted Text 
 Graphic - Text - Graphic 
 Button Bar 
 Button Builder 
 Information Request 
 Site Search 
 Shopping Cart 
 Credit Cards 
 Order Button 
 Maillist Edit 
 Directory Listing 
 ------EZ-Form Builder---- 
 Form Builder 
 Text Field 
 Text Area Field 
 List Box Field 
 Check Box Field 
 Radio Button Field 
 Hidden Field 
 Form Button Field 
 Sample Forms 
 *Form Field Names help 
 Display Information 
 Link from Affiliate to Target 
 Link from Target to Affiliate 
 Affiliate Login 
 Address Search 
 Layout Manager 
 Text - Advanced