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Hidden Field
Hidden Fields are used to have a piece of data associated with a form, but you don't want it to appear to people filling out the form. An example of its use could be an e-mail address to send the form information to.

A sample of this cannot be shown because the hidden fields do not appear on web pages.

Basic Configurations
Value: This is the data that is associated with the hidden field.

Field Name: This is the name of the hidden field. This could be useful to know if you are doing any JavaScript programming.

PageBuilder Blocks 
 Text -Simple 
 Bulleted Text 
 Horizontal Line 
 Graphic & Text 
 Graphic & Bulleted Text 
 Graphic - Text - Graphic 
 Button Bar 
 Button Builder 
 Information Request 
 Site Search 
 Shopping Cart 
 Credit Cards 
 Order Button 
 Maillist Edit 
 Directory Listing 
 ------EZ-Form Builder---- 
 Form Builder 
 Text Field 
 Text Area Field 
 List Box Field 
 Check Box Field 
 Radio Button Field 
 Hidden Field 
 Form Button Field 
 Sample Forms 
 *Form Field Names help 
 Display Information 
 Link from Affiliate to Target 
 Link from Target to Affiliate 
 Affiliate Login 
 Address Search 
 Layout Manager 
 Text - Advanced