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Add / Edit Product

Add / Edit Product

Click the 'Add Product' botton from the Maintain Categories page or the Maintain Products page to add a new product to your catalog.

To edit an existing product, click the 'edit' link on the same line as the product from the Maintain Products page.

Product Fields

The Edit Product page lets you modify the name and description of an individual product, and how it will appear to the shopper.

Title: Title of your item.
Advanced Click 'Advanced' next to the 'Title' field to specify the page that will be displayed when a shopper clicks on a product title.If you do not want your items to link any page, leave the 'Advanced Options' field blank.

Stock #: Give this item a UNIQUE stock number. Your catalog will identify your product by this number. It can be changed at any time, but MUST be unique.

Price: Give your item a price. Enter numbers only into this field.

Add Price Point: Give your item alternate prices depending on the number of that item which might be ordered. This allows you to give special rates if certain amounts of a product are ordered. Once the Add Price Point button has been clicked two new text fields will appear. The first text box is for entering the new price charged for each purchase of the item. The second text box is for the quantity (of this item) that needs to be purchased in order for the new price to take effect. Multiple price points can be added allowing a set up of an array of different charges for ranging amounts purchased of a given product.

Weight: Optionally give your product a weight, for use in shipping and handling calculations.

Charge Shipping: This option is checked by default. This means shipping is turned on for this product and shippings costs will be configured by the shipping configuration menu in contsruction tools. If this option is unchecked shipping will be free for this item, regardless of the shipping options setup in the shipping configuration. This option is commonly used for items such as ebooks that require no shipping.

Status (Active): The 'Active' box is checked by default, if you wish this item to not be displayed to a shopper, clear this checkbox before you save it.

Taxable: Select the checkbox if the item is taxable.

Special: Select the checkbox if the item is a Special. Special will be indicated on the Order Form price list.

Left Picture: Use the 'EZ-Browse' button to choose a graphic to be displayed to the left of your product. You will need to have an appropriately-sized graphic uploaded to use this option.
Advanced Click 'Advanced to change the behavior of the Left or Right Picture.

Right Picture: This image is displayed to the right of the product (See Left Picture).

Link-to: Use the 'EZ-Browse' button to choose a page that you want your customer to link to if they click on the graphic.

Description: Type in some text for your picture link. This text will appear below your graphic (i.e.. "Click here for more info").

Replacement images: If you have configured a replacement image for a Product Option, select it from the drop-down menu. As a shopper changes their option selection, the left or right image will change according to this product option's replacement images

Short Description Use this field to create a description for your product that will appear on your order form. This description will be different than the description on category display pages.

Description: Type in a short description of your item. This description will be used in category display pages.

Advanced Settings

Product Options

Each product is allowed to have multiple options. Maintain Options allows you to easily define different styles, colors, and sizes of the same product.

Product Search Values

Your Catalog Configuration allows you to define search keys by which shoppers will find products on your page. Edit product allows you to Edit Search Values associated with the current product.

Associated Categories

The 'Edit Product' screen allows you to view a list of categories that are associated with the current product. It also allows you to add or edit product / category associations. Read more about Associated Categories.


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