EZ-NetTools Customer Support

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Each order with the EZ-NetTools system is processed through the EZ-Checkout interface. The EZ-Checkout interface gathers a visiting shoppers address for shipping, provides and calculates shipping options, provides an interface for payment, and completes the order whether it is a real-time transaction or other method.
Many advanced options are available through the EZ-Checkout interface. Though configuring these options will not affect the functionality of the Checkout Process, experienced users may choose to use these options for greater flexibility. Because these are advanced options we reccommend that novice users stay with the basic EZ-Checkout options.

Access EZ-Checkout

To configure the advanced features, access the EZ-Checkout configuration by clicking the "EZ-Checkout" button from the Member tools Construction Tab. The EZ-Checkout configuration menu contains links to configure the following items:

  • Look and Feel: This menu contains configurations pertaining to how a visitor will see the checkout pages. This menu includes options to display your own header logos.
  • Navigation: With this menu, you can add or modify the navigation links on the bottom of your Checkout pages. These links make your Shipping and Security policies, etc. available to visitors. Links you configure here will appear as pop-up menus when customers click them.
  • Order Notification: This menu configures order receipt comments and other email addresses where you would like order requests to be sent.
  • Comments and Additional Information: If you wish to display customized text above or below each EZ-Checkout page, use this menu. This menu also provides radio buttons and text input fields that allow you to gather additional information from your visitors as they shop.
  • Required Address Information: Certain address fields can be specified as required. Specify which required information you wish to gather here. Also, set the default country so it will display automatically when customers arrive to the shipping address information page.