Associated Categories
The Catalog Menu Edit Product interface allows you to associate multiple categories to a single product.
The table beneath 'Categories' on the Edit Product page shows the categories the current product is associated with. To Add or Edit the categories associations, click 'Add' or 'Edit' next to the 'Categories' table.
After clicking 'Add' or 'Edit' you will be presented with two dialog boxes. The box on the left lists all possible categories. The box on the right lists all categories this product is associated with. Select one or more categories from the left box and click the right arrow (->) to add categories. Select one or more categories from the right box and click the left arrow (<-) to remove categories.
When you are finished click 'Save'. You will return to the 'Edit Product' page, and the categories that you have selected will now be listed.
A product may be listed in more than one category. The same product will appear to the shopper once in the Order Form price list for every category it exists in, and will appear in each corresponding category display page.