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EZ-Catalog Configuration

The EZ-Catalog Configuration Manager will allow you to change the look and feel of the catalog pages. With so many options, it is easy to be confused. Your catalog pages will work without making any changes to the configuration. Only if you want to change the defaults would you have to make any changes in the Configuration Manager.


In the Appearance section of Configuration Manager you specify the parameters that will affect how the pages of the catalog will look. This includes the over all layout of the category, the product, and the shopping cart pages. You will be able to specify the text font, color, and size along with background colors. Use the links on the side bar to find the help text for the each configuration option.

Regional Settings

The regional settings allow you to specify the currency and the units of measure to be shown on your catalog.

General configuration instructions

  • Work data. The changes you make on the various configuration pages will not take affect until you specifically click the "Save" button. The changes you make as you move between pages or even log off, will be remembered by the system. You will see the potential affects of the changes in the preview section, but the "live" pages will be affected until you save them. Even if you log out of EZ-NetTools the working copy of the configuration will be remembered until you save it. If you have a working copy of configurations, you will see a notice when you return to the Configuration Manager.
  • Cascading options. The attributes of page elements can be specified in more than one place. For example the text font can be specified in the Global Information (external to the Catalog) and in the basic appearance and the Category Display. Thus you can make these pages look different from the rest of your web site. If there is a conflict between the option specified, such as a font color, then the more specific option overrides. For example, font colors specified in the Global Information are overridden by what is specified in either the Basic Appearance or Category Display.
  • Available options may vary. The Layout configured may change the other configuration options. For example, the Classic layout does not have provide for any options for the Product Display.
  • Configuration Navigation. You can temporarily hide the navigation frame if you need more screen space. See the option at the bottom of the page. You can also expand and collapse the configuration options by clicking on the graphic next to the option.
  • Options vary with layout.? The options associated with the configuration pages can vary from one layout to another.? Therefore, if you select a different layout, you may see different options.? For example, the Classic layout has not options to configure in the Product Display section but may in another layout.

 Payment Options 
 Merchant Accounts 
 Gateway service 
Security & Privacy 

EZ-Catalog Config 
 Basic Appearance 
 Category Navigation 
 Category Display 
 Product Display 
 Shopping Cart 
 Order Form 
 Error Display 
Regional Settings