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Catalog Field Names and Definitions

Following are the column names and definitions for all the data fields in the EZ-Catalog System. Required fields appear in bolded red; recommended fields appear in bolded italics.

Category - The category name that you want the item to be in. The categories were setup earlier. Type in this category name exactly as you created it. The category name can only be 40 characters long.

Title - The title of the item. These can be any title that you would like them to be. The title can only be 40 characters long.

Left Picture - The graphic name, (including the extension,) that you want to show on the left side of the item. The graphic name, or actual address of the graphic can only be 100 characters long.

Right Picture - The graphic name, (including the extension,) that you want to show on the right side of the item. The graphic name, or actual address of the graphic can only be 100 characters long.

Description - The description of the item. Remember: you can not use any apostrophes in the description. If you want to use commas in your description or anywhere else, use 2 'at' (@@) symbols instead of the commas. This will be explained in the section describing how to save your file. This description can only be 1000 characters long. If you want a description longer than this, please see the 'Title Link' option.

Stock # - The stock number of the item. The stock number can only be 10 characters long and must be unique.

Price - The price of the item. Do not use a dollar ($) sign or a comma! The price can only be 8 characters long.

Title Link - The URL that you want your customers to go link to if they click on the title of your item. This can be a page that has a longer description for your item. This URL can only be 100 characters long.

Form Description - The Secure Order Form description for your item. This description will display only on the Secure Order Form found in the EZ-Order option.

Left Picture Link - The URL that you want your customer to link to if someone clicks on the left picture. Generally this can be used to go to the description, or a larger graphic of the same item. This URL can only be 100 characters long.

Left Description - The description that you want underneath the left graphic. Generally this will be used for: "Click here for a larger image" or "Click here". This description can only be 30 characters long. This description will not be shown if there is no left picture.

Right Picture Link - The URL that you want your customer to link to if someone clicks on the right picture. Generally this can be used to go to the description, or a larger graphic of the same item. This URL can only be 100 characters long.

Right Description - The description that you want underneath the right graphic. Generally this will be used for: "Click here for a larger image" or "Click here". This description can only be 30 characters long. This description will not be shown if there is no right picture.

Taxable - A '1' if the item is taxable, or an '0' if the item is not taxable. You can only enter one character here. Do not use any extra spaces in this field. (0/1)

Special - A 'Y' if the item is on special, or an 'N' if the item is not on special. You can only enter one character here. (Y/N)

Shipping - The amount that you want to charge your customers for shipping on this item. (Used only if charging shipping per item.) The shipping price can only be 8 characters long, and can not use any dollar signs. ($)

Charge Shipping - This option is checked by default in your product configuration. This means shipping is turned on for this product and shippings costs will be configured by the shipping configuration menu in contruction tools. If this option is unchecked shipping will be free for this item, regardless of the shipping options setup in the shipping configuration. 'Y' when this option is turned and and a 'N' When its not. (Y/N)

Weight - The weight of this particular item. This will be used to calculate the overall weight of the purchase, and charge according to the weight table that you set up in EZ-Order. The weight can only be 8 characters long, and can not include the pound sign. (#)

Search Key 1 - The keyword you want your customers to use when they do a search for this item. You already set these up once in 'Add Catalog Item.' These will need to be in accordance to the search key options that you set up in Edit Configuration. This will be the first option that you set up in the search keys. Each of the search key words can only be 20 characters long.

Search Key 2 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the second option.

Search Key 3 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the third option.

Search Key 4 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the fourth option.

Search Key 5 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the fifth option.

Search Key 6 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the sixth option.

Search Key 7 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the seventh option.

Search Key 8 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the eigth option.

Search Key 9 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the ninth option.

Search Key 10 - Same as Search Key 1 except this will be for the tenth option.

Left Replacement Option - Option name to define left picture replacement when corresponding option value changes. Replacement pictures are defined for each corresponding option value in the Replacement Picture column.

Right Replacement Option - Option name to define left picture replacement when corresponding option value changes. Replacement pictures are defined for each corresponding option value in the Replacement Picture column.

Option Name - Option name. If using more than one option name, each additional option name must appear in the block below the previous option.

Option Format - "choice" or "text" to indicate option format.

Status - Shows whether a product is active or inactive in the catalog. 'Y' indicates the product is active and 'N' indicates it is inactive. (Y/N)

Format Option 1 - Number of maximum characters allowed for text field if "text" is selected in the Option Format column.

Format Option 2 - Number of displayed characters allowed in text field if "text" is selected in the Option Format column.

Option Description - Description of option from the Option Name column.

Option More Info - File path to webpage with more information about selected product.

Option Value - Option value. If using more than one option value, each additional option value must appear in the block below the previous.

Price Adjustment - Positive or negative numerical value for price adjustment by option value.

Price Adjustment Type - "$" or "%" for dollars and percent, respectively to correspone with the entered values in the Price Adjustment column.

Replacement Picture - Path to replacement picture. Corresponds to configuration in the Left and Right Replacement Option columns.

Selected - "y" or "n" to indicate if corresponding option value is selected by default. Only one option value per option name may be set as "y".
 By Jim Burres - Technical Support Representative - Nov 2003 

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