Secure Order Form Options Header Row The Header Row contains the column headings for the entire Order Form such as Stock #, Description, Quantity, and Amount. Background: Specify the color that should be on the background of this row. Either enter a six character number (preceded by #) or use EZ-Color Picker to find a color. Text: Specify the color of the text for the characters in the header row. Choose a color that contrasts well with the background color of the header row. Category Sub-Header Row The Category Sub-Header Row is the row that will contain the Category title. Only the categories that contact products will appear in the Secure Order Form. Background: Specify the color that should be on the background of this row. Either enter a six character number (preceded by #) or use EZ-Color Picker to find a color. Text: Specify the color of the text for the characters in the Category Sub-Header row. Choose a color that contrasts well with the background color of the header row. Item Row The Item row will display the product number, the product description with options, the price and quantity. Background: Specify the color that should be on the background of this row. Either enter a six character number (preceded by #) or use EZ-Color Picker to find a color. Text: Specify the color of the text for the characters in the Item Row. Choose a color that contrasts well with the background color of the row. Instruction Box The instruction box is the first box that appears on the page, located about the table with the product information. You can configure the colors but not the text. Background: Specify the color that should be on the background of this row. Either enter a six character number (preceded by #) or use EZ-Color Picker to find a color. Text: Specify the color of the text for the characters in the Instruction Box. Choose a color that contrasts well with the background color of the box. Comments The text from this box will appear on the order form page, either above or below the table of items, depending on your select.