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Select Catalog Page Layouts


All options in the Catalog Layout configuration are optional. Your catalog will function without making any changes to the layouts.

The layout selection that you make will have a dramatic impact on two things. First, the look and feel of your Category display, Product display, Secure order form, and the Shopping cart can change dramatically depending on the layout that you select. Second, the remaining selections for configuring your catalog appearance may also be dependent on the layout selected. Even though the look and feel of your catalog can change dramatically based on the layout selected, it is very easy to switch back and forth. So experimenting with different layouts is a safe thing to experiment with.

Buttons at the Top and Bottom of the Options Section

Use Defaults

If at anytime, while editing the settings on the category display, you want to go back to the basic settings that came with EZ-Catalog and forget about the changes you made, you can do so by clicking on the "Use Defaults" button located in the upper-left of the page. This button will reload all of the default settings that come with ALL of the different layouts. Please note that if you have been working with different layouts, and have made changes, that all of these changes will be changed to the defaults, even though the other layout settings are not visible. This button is located in the top-left and bottom-left of each section under EZCatalog Appearance. If you want to go back to your previous settins, use the "reset" button.

Previous and Next

If you want to go back to any of the sections under EZCatalog Appearance that are previous to the Category Display section you can use the "Prev" button, or if you want to just go ahead and skip over the Category Display section then use the "Next" button. Both of these buttons are located at the top-center and bottom-center of each section under EZCatalog Appearance.


If you want to undo all of the changes you have made since you last saved your work, click the reset button. This is different from the "Use Defaults" button because the "Reset" returns the values to what you had saved previously whereas the "Use Defaults" takes the values back to those that came with the selected layout. This button is located in the top-right and bottom-right of each section under the EZCatalog Appearance.

Selecting a Layout.

There are two ways to specify the catalog layout.

First, there is a list of layouts that have been developed by EZ-NetTools. The first layout is the Classic Layout that has associated with EZ-NetTools since the beginning. This layout is very simple and effective, but some think it is dated. Other layouts will be added over time. As you make your selection, you will see a sample of out that layout may look like in the preview section. The actual layout will look different based on your header and color scheme.

Second, you can have one or more customized layout developed specifically for your account. You can hire EZ-NetTools to develop one for you or you can develop one yourself. Developing a layout yourself will require extensive knowledge of HTML, XML, and XSLT. Contact us and we will provide you with the data structures you will need.

Post Script. The help text on the catalog appearance pages refers to the Classic Layout. Other layouts may not have the same options.


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