Configure Catalog Buttons
Introduction All selections in the Buttons configuration are OPTIONAL. Your catalog will function without making any changes based on the system defaults. However, these selections give you greater control over how your catalog pages will appear. General information relative to all button selections. The system will generate a grey button for each option. It will be labeled with the text in the box. If you change the text in the box next to the Label, that will become the text on the button. Note: the "modify" link in the shopping cart is a link, not a button, unless you specify a graphic. If you have developed your own buttons for each of these functions, you can upload them like any other graphic using EZ-Browse or EZ-FileManager. Once you have entered the URL for that graphic in the box next to the Image:, you will see a preview of the image. That is the button which will replace the grey button generated by the system. When you use your own graphics for buttons, then the text that you put in the "label" box will appear as alternate text for your graphic, which will not be displayed unless the visitor hovers his/her mouse over the button.
Buttons at the Top and Bottom of the Options Section
Use Defaults If at anytime, while editing the settings on the category display, you want to go back to the basic settings that came with EZ-Catalog and forget about the changes you made, you can do so by clicking on the "Use Defaults" button located in the upper-left of the page. This button will reload all of the default settings that come with ALL of the different layouts. Please note that if you have been working with different layouts, and have made changes, that all of these changes will be changed to the defaults, even though the other layout settings are not visible. This button is located in the top-left and bottom-left of each section under EZCatalog Appearance. If you want to go back to your previous settins, use the "reset" button.
Previous and Next If you want to go back to any of the sections under EZCatalog Appearance that are previous to the Category Display section you can use the "Prev" button, or if you want to just go ahead and skip over the Category Display section then use the "Next" button. Both of these buttons are located at the top-center and bottom-center of each section under EZCatalog Appearance.
Reset If you want to undo all of the changes you have made since you last saved your work, click the reset button. This is different from the "Use Defaults" button because the "Reset" returns the values to what you had saved previously whereas the "Use Defaults" takes the values back to those that came with the selected layout. This button is located in the top-right and bottom-right of each section under the EZCatalog Appearance.
Where these buttons will appear Add Item to Shopping Cart - Category Display pages
- Product Display pages
- Site Search result page if the Site Search block has been configured to search the catalog.
CheckOut - Shopping Cart pages, at the bottom of the page.
- Secure Order Form
Small Checkout - Category pages
- Product detail pages
- Search results
This button is
displayed with the shopping cart status information (usually at the
top, right of the page) but only if the layout supports this
information.Clear Order Form - Secure Order form, on the bottom of the page.
Continue Shopping - Shopping Cart pages, at the bottom of the page.
Empty Shopping Cart - Shopping Cart pages, at the bottom of the page.
Modify Item in Shopping Cart - Shopping Cart, as part of each item listing
Remove item from Shopping Cart - Shopping Cart, as part of each item listing
Search Catalog - All catalog pages and the shopping cart (unless the Classic Layout is the current layout.)
Update Item in Shopping Cart - Shopping Cart pages, at the bottom of the page.
- Modify Item page, next to the quantity box.
View the Shopping Cart
- Category pages
- Product detail pages
- Search results
This button is displayed with the shopping cart status information (usually at the top, right of the page) but only if the layout supports this information.