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Configure Catalog Navigation


Whether Catalog Navigation is displayed is dependant upon which layout is selected. The Basic Layout, for example, does not have this option because none of the options are applicable. All selections in the Catalog Navigation configuration are optional. Your catalog will function without making any changes to your catalog navigation based on the system defaults and options you have specified in the Global Information. However, these selections give you greater control over how your catalog pages will appear.

The Catalog Navigation selections control the way you navigate through your catalog. When you make changes here, you can change the font and color scheme used on the navigation menus, as well as setting up borders and bullets. Any changes you make here will override the options specified in the Global Information.

Buttons at the Top and Bottom of the Options Section

Use Defaults

If at anytime, while editing the settings on the category display, you want to go back to the basic settings that came with EZ-Catalog and forget about the changes you made, you can do so by clicking on the "Use Defaults" button located in the upper-left of the page. This button will reload all of the default settings that come with ALL of the different layouts. Please note that if you have been working with different layouts, and have made changes, that all of these changes will be changed to the defaults, even though the other layout settings are not visible. This button is located in the top-left and bottom-left of each section under EZCatalog Appearance. If you want to go back to your previous settins, use the "reset" button.

Previous and Next

If you want to go back to any of the sections under EZCatalog Appearance that are previous to the Category Display section you can use the "Prev" button, or if you want to just go ahead and skip over the Category Display section then use the "Next" button. Both of these buttons are located at the top-center and bottom-center of each section under EZCatalog Appearance.


If you want to undo all of the changes you have made since you last saved your work, click the reset button. This is different from the "Use Defaults" button because the "Reset" returns the values to what you had saved previously whereas the "Use Defaults" takes the values back to those that came with the selected layout. This button is located in the top-right and bottom-right of each section under the EZCatalog Appearance.

Preview Window

As you make selections, you can see the impact of the change in the preview window. Click on the refresh icon to see the change. At the bottom of the preview window are some tabs will allow you to see the impact on each of the types of catalog pages. Click on the enlarge icon to see a preview in full screen. The Preview features uses your configuration options such as header graphic and background colors but uses dummy data. To see your data in the selected options, you need to enter your category number after clicking on the enlarge icon. Note that the Preview window has its own scroll bars.

Catalog Navigation Options

Colors and background

By default, the catalog navigation will use the options you have selected in the Global Information Settings. However, you can override some of these options for your catalog options. Note: even these settings can be overridden by selections in the Category, Product, Shopping Cart, and Order Form configuration.

Background: Select the color you want for the background to the catalog navigation.

Image: Select the image you want in the background of your catalog navigation menu. If you select an image, it will over ride the background color you selected. If no image is specified, then the back ground color will display.

Text: Select the color you want the text for the category names.

Text Appearance

Font: Select the font for the text associated with the category navigation. The fonts available are those that most browsers will recognize and render correctly. While there are a great many fonts available, not all browsers will display them correctly.

Size: Select the size of the text associated with the titles, descriptions, etc on the catalog navigation.

Note: You select the color for the text in the Colors and Background section.

Border Appearance

This option lets you select the color, style, and size or the border that appears around the navigation menu.

Link Appearance

The default selections for link appearance are those set in Global Information.

The preview section will show you how your selections for links will appear. After you make a selection, then update the preview. The sample text will provide an example of what the links options will look like.

The links that can appear on the catalog are the Category Title, the “view more� link in category display, Product title, and the link under the left and right image. This text will only show up as a link if you have configured you category or product to do so.

Normal: Specify the color that a link should appear when the page is first visited and the associated link has never been visited.

Visited: Specify the color of a link that has been visited.

Active: Specify the color of a link that is currently being visited.

Mouseover: Specify the color the link should change to if the use moves the mouse cursor over the link.

Bullet Config

  • Current
    • Sets the type of bullet that is used when you're on the page that item is linked to.
  • Expanded
    • Sets the type of bullet that is used on a parent category when it is showing it's subcategories.
  • Expandable
    • Sets the type of bullet that is used on a parent category when it is not showing it's subcategories.
  • Other
    • Sets the type of bullet used by default for all other categories.

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