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Edit Items (Old)
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The first thing you see when you use the 'Edit Items' button is a list of all of your items and categories. If you have no items or categories, you will only see two buttons at the top and bottom of the page ("Edit Categories" and "Main Menu") and the text "No categories exist." To return to the EZ-Catalog menu, click the 'Main Menu' button. However, to continue creating your catalog, click on the 'Edit Categories' button.

Edit Categories

Here you will see a list of all of your categories. If you have not created any categories, it will only give you the options to 'Add Category' and 'Return'. Click on 'Add Category'. This will take you to the "Add A Category" screen. You will see a number of fields to fill out. Fill in each field with the appropriate information:

Name: Name of the Category

Description: Description of the Category.

Header Html Page: This is an option for you to add an HTML page at the top of your category page. Type in the path for your html page, or use the 'EZ-Browse' button to choose it from your list of files.

Footer Html Page: Same as the "Header HTML Page", but your html page will show at the bottom of the category page.

Note: The Header and Footer HTML pages are generally used for a navigation bar amidst your category pages. This is a good tool for a particular category that has many items with graphics attending them. If all items were on one page, your category page would take longer to load. For example, if you have a catalog that has 25 sweatshirts, you will want to create 5 categories with five sweatshirts a piece in each category. For the header or footer html pages on the first category of sweatshirts, you will place a link to the second category. On the second category page, you would create a link to the first and the third category, and so on... The code for this small HTML page May look something like this:

<html> <center> <a href="/cgi-bin/ez-catalog/cat_display.cgi?^X3*****"> Previous Page </a> <a href="index.html"> Main Page </a> <a href="/cgi-bin/ez-catalog/cat_display.cgi?^X3*****"> Next Page </a> </center> </html>

The URL's given are incomplete. You will need to place the category page number in place of the ^ symbol (you can find this number by viewing your category page and looking for the number in the address bar of your browser). You will also need to complete your X account number in place of the * symbols. You may also place a graphic, such as a button, to replace the text given. After saving this file as an HTML file, upload it to the server and use it as the category Header or Footer HTML page.

Order button: Use the 'EZ-Browse' to locate an Order button. You can use one of your own buttons, or may look in the "/stock/buttons/order" folders for the buttons that we provide. You may use the EZ-Browse to preview each button, or click on the 'View Order Buttons' button to view all of the buttons at once. If you choose not to have an Order button, leave this field blank.

Back button: Use the 'EZ-Browse' to locate a Back button. You can use one of your own buttons, or may look in the "/stock/buttons/back" folders for the buttons that we provide. You may use the EZ-Browse to preview each button, or click on the 'View Back Buttons' button to view all of the buttons at once. If you choose not to have a Back button, leave this field blank.

When you click on the 'Submit' button, you will return to the 'Edit Categories' page. Continue to add categories for your items until you are finished. You can now edit any one of these categories by clicking on the 'Edit' link next to the category name. You can also delete a category by clicking on the 'Delete' link next to the category name. If you have items in a category when you try to delete, it will give you a "Warning" message. Click the 'Continue' button to erase the category and all items within it. Click the 'Edit' button to go to your "View Categories" page where you can edit each item and reassign them to a different category. Or, you can click the 'Back' button to return to the "Edit Categories" page without deleting the category.

After you are done adding and editing your categories, click on the 'Return' button. This will bring you to back to the "View Categories" page.

View Categories

To add a new item, click on the 'Add New Item' button. To add, edit, or delete a category, click on the 'Edit Categories' button. To view your items within a category, click on the category name as it is listed in the columns provided.

First, click on the 'Add New Item' button. This will take you to the 'Add Item' page.

Add Item

Enter in the details for your item in the following fields:

Title: Title of your item.

Title Link: Use the 'EZ-Browse' button to select an html page that your customer will link to if they click on the title. You can use this feature if want to link to a more descriptive page for your item. You can also type in the URL, or address, of the page. If you do not want your items to link any page, leave this field blank.

Category: Use the drop-down menu to choose a category that you have created for this item to be in.

Stock #: Give this item a UNIQUE stock number. If you have two items with the same stock number, your catalog will experience problems. You can use any characters you wish to for the stock number except for the pound (#) sign.

Order form description: Use this field to create a description for your product that will appear on your order form. This description will be different than the description set up in your shopping cart pages.

Price: Give your item a price. Be sure not to use the dollar sign ($) in your price field, this will be inserted automatically.

Taxable: Select the checkbox if the item is taxable.

Special: Select the checkbox if the item is a Special.

Left picture URL: Use the 'EZ-Browse' button to choose a graphic for the left side of the item. You will need to have this graphic uploaded, and sized the way that you want it to be.

Left picture Link: Use the 'EZ-Browse' button to choose a page that you want your customer to link to if they click on the graphic.

Link description: Type in some text for your picture link. This text will appear at the bottom of your graphic (i.e.. "Click here for more info").

Right picture URL: Same as "Left picture URL", only this will be on the right side of the item.

Right picture Link: Same as "Right picture link."

Right link description: Same as "Left link description."

Description: Type in a short description of your item. This description will be used in your shopping cart pages. There is a text character limit in this field. If you type in too many characters, (one or two lines past the bottom of the text block,) you will begin to have problems with all items that follow this one.

Search Keys: This option only displays if you have set up your search keys in the 'Edit Configuration.' Here you will set the search criteria that will cause the catalog search engine to pull up this item when requested. Type in the words in the field available that your customers will type in when they are looking for a certain type of item.

Here are a few examples that you can use. The words for each item and the options will be different according to what you typed in the edit configuration.


You do NOT have to fill in every search key, and you may leave all options blank if you would like. This will only cause that item to never show on a search. When you are done typing in all of the information, click the 'Submit' button to save your changes. This will return you to the "View Categories" page. To view this item under it category, click the category which you placed this item under. This will take you to the "View Items" page.

View Items

You can now see all of the items in the category that you have just selected with many other options:

Add New Item: Click to add another item to your catalog.

Edit Categories: Click to add, edit, or delete a category.

View Categories: Click to return to the "View Categories" page.

Main Menu: This button will return you to your "EZ-Catalog" menu.

Category Referencing: Depending on which category you selected, you will see a small reference area with the heading, "Jump to a category". You can use the "Previous" and "Next" links to jump to the previous or next category. Or, you can use the drop-down menu to jump directly to the selected category.

Category Heading: Next, you should see the title of the category you selected in the blue heading. You can click on the tile to view your category page with all the items assigned to that category. You will have to use the "Back" button in your browser to return to the "View Items" page.

Items List: You should now see your items listed in the order that you added them. Click on the 'Edit' link to edit an item. Click on the 'Delete' link to delete an item from your category. Note: You will not receive a "warning" page to confirm if you want to delete this item or not. The item will simply be deleted.

You can now continue enter the remaining items for your catalog. Once you are finished, click on the 'Main Menu' button to return back to the EZ-Catalog menu.


 Edit Items 
 Edit Configuration 
 Download Catalog 