To use the EZ-Import option of the EZ-Catalog, you will first need to set up a file in a spreadsheet. You can use Microsoft Works, Excel, Quattro Pro, or any other spreadsheet program.
Open a new spreadsheet file. This will give you a grid with letters across the top and numbers down the side. This is the way you will set up your spreadsheet so that you can import a file to your catalog. You do not have to use every field offered, but you will need to have a category, price (no dollar sign '$'), stock number, and a title, for the items to be effective. To use every option, do the following:
In block A-1, type: Category
In block B-1, type: Title
In block C-1, type: Left Picture
In block D-1, type: Right Picture
In block E-1, type: Description
In block F-1, type:Stock #
In block G-1, type: Stock Description
In block H-1, type: Price
In block I-1, type: Title Link
In block J-1, type: Left Picture Link
In block K-1, type: Left Description
In block L-1, type: Right Picture Link
In block M-1, type: Right Description
In block N-1, type: Taxable
In block O-1, type: Special
In block P-1, type: Shipping
In block Q-1, type: Weight
In block R-1, type: Search Key 1
In block S-1, type: Search Key 2
In block T-1, type: Search Key 3
In block U-1, type: Search Key 4
In block V-1, type: Search Key 5
In block W-1, type:Search Key 6
In block X-1, type: Search Key 7
In block Y-1, type: Search Key 8
In block Z-1, type:Search Key 9
In block AA-1, type: Search Key 10
When entering in this information, do not use any apostrophes or any commas. If you want to use commas, please Click Here.
Following are the explanation of each of these options:
In block A-2, you will put the category name that you want the first item to be in. We set up categories earlier. Type in this category name exactly as you created it. The category name can only be 40 characters long.
In block B-2, you will put the title of the first item. These can be any title that you would like them to be. The title can only be 40 characters long.
In block C-2, type in the graphic name, (including the extension,) that you want to show on the left side of the item. The graphic name, or actual address of the graphic can only be 100 characters long.
In block D-2, type in the graphic name, (including the extension,) that you want to show on the right side of the item. The graphic name, or actual address of the graphic can only be 100 characters long.
In block E-2, type in the description of the first item. Remember: you can not use any apostrophes in the description. If you want to use commas in your description or anywhere else, use 2 'at' (@@) symbols instead of the commas. This will be explained in the section describing how to save your file. This description can only be 1000 characters long. If you want a description longer than this, please see the 'Title Link' option.
In block F-2, type in the stock number of the first item. The stock number can only be 10 characters long
In block G-2, type in the stock description for your item. This description will display only on the Order Form found in the EZ-Order option. With the new enhancement to the "Edit Items" option, this is the only way to add, edit, or delete, that field.
In block H-2, type in the price of the first item. Do not use a dollar ($) sign! The price can only be 8 characters long.
In block I-2, type in the URL that you want your customers to go link to if they click on the title of your first item. This can be a page that has a longer description for your item. This URL can only be 100 characters long.
In block J-2, type in the URL that you want your customer to link to if someone clicks on the left picture. Generally this can be used to go to the description, or a larger graphic of the same item. This URL can only be 100 characters long.
In block K-2, type in the description that you want underneath the left graphic. Generally this will be used for: "Click here for a larger image" or "Click here". This description can only be 30 characters long. This description will not be shown if there is no left picture.
In block L-2, type in the URL that you want your customer to link to if someone clicks on the right picture. Generally this can be used to go to the description, or a larger graphic of the same item. This URL can only be 100 characters long.
In block M-2, type in the description that you want underneath the right graphic. Generally this will be used for: "Click here for a larger image" or "Click here". This description can only be 30 characters long. This description will not be shown if there is no right picture.
In block N-2, type a 'y' if the item is taxable, or an 'n' if the item is not taxable. You can only enter one character here. Do not use any extra spaces in this field. (y/n)
In block O-2, type a 'y' if the item is on special, or an 'n' if the item is not on special. You can only enter one character here. (y/n)
In block P-2, type in here the amount that you want to
charge your customers for shipping on this item. (Used only if charging shipping per item.) The shipping price can only be 8 characters long, and can not use any dollar signs. ($)
In block Q-2, type in here the weight of this particular item. This will be used to calculate the overall weight of the purchase, and charge according to the weight table that you set up in EZ-Order. The weight can only be 8 characters long, and can not include the pound sign. (#)
In block R-2, type in the keyword you want your customers to use when they do a search for this item. You already set these up once in 'Add Catalog Item.' These will need to be in accordance to the search key options that you set up in Edit Configuration. This will be the first option that you set up in the search keys. Each of the search key words can only be 20 characters long.
In block S-2, Same as R-2, except this will be for the second option.
In block T-2, Same as R-2, except this will be for the third option.
In block U-2, Same as R-2, except this will be for the fourth option.
In block V-2, Same as R-2, except this will be for the fifth option.
In block W-2, Same as R-2, except this will be for the sixth option.
In block X-2, Same as R-2, except this will be the seventh option.
In block Y-2, Same as R-2, except this will be the eighth option.
In block Z-2, Same as R-2, except this will be the ninth option.
In block AA-2, Same as R-2, except this will be the tenth option.
Now you can continue to enter your items starting in row 3 and on down. If, for one or more items, you do not have a particular part, (i.e.. no left or right graphic,) then leave that block blank. Continue across the columns adding each block under the appropriate section. For example, if you have an item with only a price, title, stock number, and category, then you will fill in each of those blocks, and leave all of the other blocks empty. All items must have the same number of fields. (columns) After you have entered all of your items, go back and remove the columns that are not being used. This will narrow the spreadsheet to only the number of columns that you are using, with the options each has, (this can be as many as you want,). Also, go back and take out the first row of entries. This is the Field Definition row. Remove row one. This will leave nothing but the items that you have entered. You will then need to save the file. Go to the 'file' option, and click 'Save As.' In the window that comes up, change the 'Save as Type' to 'Text and Commas' or any comma delimited file. Be sure that this is a '.csv' file and not the ASCII file type. Now give the file a filename and put it somewhere on your computer that you can remember and find easily. Open up Wordpad (Notepad will not do here), and call up the comma delimited file you just saved from the spreadsheet. some spreadsheets will bring up your file with a lot of double quotes.( " ) Use the search and replace option to remove all of the double quotes and replace them with nothing, not even a space. You will want to run the search and replace a number of times to be sure the computer replaces them all. After you have removed the double quotes, use the search and replace again to remove all of the apostrophes. There should be no apostrophes, but you MUST remove them for sure!! After removing all of the double quotes and apostrophes, save the file as a text file. This may cause your filename to look like this: 'yourcatalog.csv.txt' but this is OK.
If you were going to use commas in your items or descriptions, and you followed the directions, you will now need to do something special. In Wordpad, you will still need to remove all of the double quotes, but after you do that, you need to do a search and replace to change all of your commas to double ampersands. (&&) After this, do a search and replace to change all double 'at' (@@) symbols to commas. You will then have a double ampersand delimited file and will still have commas in your descriptions and anywhere else you wanted them. Click Here to continue.
Now go back to your web site. Go to the construction tools/EZ-Catalog, and click on the EZ-Import button. This will give you three options:
Import a File Restore Backup of Catalog Return to Main Menu
Click on 'Import a File.' Then you will see a browse button next to an open field. Click the browse button and choose the file off of your computer that has the .txt ending. If you double click on that file, or highlight it and then click open, the filename will be placed in the field next to the browse button. Make sure that the radio button next to 'Commas' is selected. Remember that in the spreadsheet, we saved the file as text and comma, causing the file to be a comma delimited file. If, anywhere in this process, you want to go back to the main menu, click the Main Menu button. After selecting the radio button, click the continue button. This will bring you to your EZ-Import page Field Definition page. In the drop down box next to 'Category,' you will choose the category name of your first item. This is option 0. If you followed the directions given, then option 0 will go with block 1, (category). Option 1 will go with block 2, (title). Option 2 will go to block 3, (Left Picture). And so on and so on. Fill in all of the available options.
Category Title Left Picture Right Picture Description Stock Number Stock Description Price Title Link Left Picture Link Left Description Right Picture Link Right Description Taxable (y/n) Special (y/n) Shipping Weight Search Key 1 Search Key 2 Search Key 3 Search Key 4 Search Key 5 Search Key 6 Search Key 7 Search Key 8 Search Key 9 Search Key 10
After choosing each field with the appropriate option, then you see the following:
Overwrite current catalog? | Yes No | Overwrite current categories? | Yes No |
If you are using only the EZ-Import to work with your catalog, you will want to overwrite your catalog every time. You will want to choose 'Yes' for both of these options.
After choosing the radio buttons that you want, click on the 'Continue' button. This brings you to a page that gives you all of your categories in your catalog. If you did not overwrite your current categories, you will see a list of ALL of your categories. If you overwrote it all, you will see a list of all of the categories that you had in your file. If, what you see there is not correct, you can then click on the 'Restore Backup of Catalog'. This will restore your catalog as it was after your last import! If you are happy with the import, you can click on any of the categories to see the items entered. Otherwise, click on the 'Return to Main Menu' button to return to your three blue boxes.