With the 'Edit Configuration' option you find all of the configuration information for the catalog. You can set up your entire catalog to look the way you want. However, there is no option to change each page to different specifications. Every item and page will be set up the same when you set up the configuration.
The first few radio buttons are for different options that can be shown on the catalog page.
Links to Other Pages: These are the "global links" at the bottom of each of your EZ-Net Tools™ pages. You can create these links by going to Edit Global Page Links. If you want to use these links to display at the bottom of your catalog pages, select 'On', otherwise, select 'Off.'
Search Keys on bottom: The search keys are used to search the catalog from the "Search Catalog" page (We will cover this later). If you want the search keys to display under each item, select 'On,' otherwise, select 'Off.'
Link to Order Form: If you would like your customers to have an option to link to the order form underneath every item, select 'On,' otherwise, select 'Off'.
Table Borders: Table borders can be set to border every item. Borders will give a very professional look to your catalog pages. If you would like table borders, select 'On'. However, if you would rather have just the information without borders, select 'Off.'
Shopping Cart: If you have the shopping cart enabled on your catalog page, then your customers can use the catalog page as an order form. If you select 'On,' then for every item, there will be a quantity option and an 'Add to Shopping Cart' button to the right of it. This way, your customers can give the quantity of that item that they want to purchase. After adding it to their shopping cart, they can continue shopping in your catalog.
After deciding what options you want on and off, you can then move to the following:
Title Background Bar Color: This will change the background color for your title text. Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Title Text Color: This will change the text color for your title. Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Description Background Bar Color: This will change the background color for your description text. Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Description Text Color: This will change the text color for your description. Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Items/Price Background Bar Color: This will change the background color for your item information (price, stock number, etc.) Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Items/Price Text Color: This will change the text color for your item information (price, stock number, etc.) Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Just below these options you will find a "View Colors" button. This button will display the colors we offer. Click on the "BACK" button of your browser to get out of the colors.
After selecting the colors you want to use, you see the search key information. The search keys can be used to search your catalog for any given item. In each of the 10 Search Key options, type in a search category. For example, Clothes, Color, Price, Era. These will be used to set up the search criteria for each item. If you would like your customers to be able to search for a price range, or a moment in time, select the checkbox labeled "Range Search". You will now be able to set the search criteria for each of your items under the "Edit Items" page.
Next you can see the search key color options. These options will only display if the "Search Keys" radio button is selected as "On".
Search Key Background Color: This will change the background color for the Search Keys area. Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Search Key Text Color: This will change the color for your Search Key text. Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Search Data Background Color: This will change the background color for your items Search Criteria. Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
Search Data Text Color: This will change the text color for your items Search Criteria. Select a web-safe color from the drop-down menu, or type your own color in the "Other Color" field.
You can use the "View Colors" button again to view the color table. Click the "Back" button of your browser to get out of the colors. Click the 'Submit' button, and your configuration will be set up for your catalog. You will then be sent directly to the "Edit Items" page to begin entering your Catalog items.