The Global Links are links that appear at the bottom of all your web pages. When you begin an account, the "Main Page" link is automatically done for you. This link connects to your main page (or the index.html page). The Global Links will appear on every page built in EZ-PageBuilder™ and even on some of your system pages (such as the EZ-Catalog or EZ-Calendar).
To access your Edit Global Page Links, Select 'Edit Global Links' from your Construction Tools. You will find some buttons along the top and bottom of the page. These have been placed for your convenience. If you haven't deleted your Main Page link already, it should be displayed in-between the rows of buttons. These buttons give you the following options:
Add: This will allow you to create a link that will show at the bottom of all your pages. To add a link, click on either the top or bottom 'Add' button. This will bring you to the Setup Link page.
Position: This determines where your link will be placed amongst the other links. On the main Global Links page, your 'Main Page' link was selected by default. Select 'After' or 'Before' to designate where your link will be placed, after or before the 'Main Page' link.
Description: Type in the name that you would like to appear as your link.
Link: Here you will designate where this link will take people when they click on it. You can either type in the address of where you would like it to go (http://...) or you can use the EZ-Browse to search for a particular page on your site. Click on the 'Browse' button to open your EZ-Browse. Search for the .html file you would like this link to go to. Select the file and click the 'Open' button.
Be sure to click 'Submit' to save your changes. If you do not want to save any changes or would like to go back to the Main Global Links menu, click 'Cancel'. You should now be back at the Main Global Links page. To add another link, first you need to decide where you are going to place that link. Select the radio button next to the description of the link you would like your new link to be placed by (before or after the link). Click 'Add' once again and repeat the adding process.
Edit: Select the radio button to the left of the item that you wish to edit. Next, click either the top or bottom 'Edit' button. Change the description and/or link that you desire to edit. When you are finished, click 'Submit' to save your changes. If you wish to cancel the edit operation and would like to return to the Main Global Links page, click 'Cancel'.
Delete: This option allows you to delete an unwanted link. Select the radio button to the left of the item that you want to delete. Click on either the top or bottom 'Delete' button. This is a destructive process! You will not be sent to a delete-confirmation page. Your link will delete automatically.
Return: Once you are finished adding, editing, or deleting your links, you must click the 'Return' button to submit the changes to all of your pages.