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Select Countries

The "Ship-To Countries" configuration menu allows you to select which countries you will accept your orders for. Your customer will be able to choose from the countries that you select here when they enter in their billing and shipping information during the EZ-Checkout process. When you configure countries Mexico, US, or Canada, the system will also validate the "State/Province" field your customers enter during the EZ-Checkout process. This menu also affects which countries you may configure for Sales Tax. Again, for Mexico, US, and Canada, you may calculate sales tax by region.

Access Ship-To Countries
Click on the "EZ-Shipping" link from the Construction tab of your member tools. The EZ-Shipping configuration menu contains a link titled "Ship-To Countries." Click here to access this menu.

Click the 'Select Countries' button to select which countries you accept. This will bring you to the "Select Countries" page where it will list all countries on the left side of the screen labeled "All Countries". If you wish to accept order from all countries, leave the right field labeled "Accepted Countries" blank. To allow only certain countries the ability to order from your site, highlight the country you wish to add and click the 'Add' button. This will take that country from the left box and enter it into the "Accepted Countries" box on the right. To select more than one country, hold down the Ctrl or the Shift key and click your left mouse button. Once again, click the 'Add' button to add all selected countries to your "Accepted Countries" box. To remove a country (or more) select the country or countries you'd like to remove in the "Accepted Countries" field and click the 'Delete' button.

Once you have chosen the countries you wish to allow orders to be processed to, click the 'Submit' button. To return to the EZ-Order menu without saving changes, click the 'Return' button.