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Advanced Calculation

The Advanced Calculation Method configuration menu allows you to calculate secure online order shipping costs by using multiple Advanced Sliding Threshold scales. These calculation methods will appear to the customer during the EZ-Checkout process. You can configure each scale with your own title and select what the threshold is set by.

Access Advanced Calculation
You can access the EZ-Shipping menu by clicking the "EZ-Shipping" link under the Construction tab of Member tools. Click "Shipping Configuration" to access the EZ-Shipping Configuration menu. At the bottom of the EZ-Shipping Configuration menu under the heading "Calculation Methods" click the "Configure" link next to the Advanced option.

The large table in "Advanced Calculation" configuration will work as a stand alone shipping rate solution. Four sliding scales are supported, each with independent titles, thresholds, and rates. If you select more than one, the shopper is offered a choice of which shipping method they wish to use. EZ-Shipping sets a given shipping fee for orders up to (and including) each threshold. The threshold trigger can be dollar amount, quantity, or weight. Start at the top with the smallest threshold, and fill in as many thresholds/fees needed. The last shipping fee will also apply to orders larger than your last threshold. Remember to fill in the Method Title box for each method you use. Don't use a currency symbol in the thresholds or fees.