The EZ-Color Picker allows you to quickly select colors for your Web site. It provides two types of colors: Web safe and non-Web safe colors. Web safe colors will be viewed correctly by the majority of customers that may come to your Web site. Non-Web safe colors cannot be displayed correctly by some Web user’s browsers. The result with Non-Web safe colors is that your customers see your Web site different then you do. The EZ-Color Picker offers both types to allow flexibility.
Using the EZ-ColorPicker
- Open the EZ-ColorPicker - The Color Picker can be accessed in many different locations in the system anywhere the EZ-ColorPicker button is found. You will notice that next to the button there is always a ColorPicker text box. Click on the EZ-ColorPicker button to open it.
- A new window will open with a drop down menu at the top and tables of colors below; these are the Web safe colors. To select a color on the table click on it and the code for that color will be automatically inserted into the EZ-ColorPicker text box and the EZ-ColorPicker window will close.
- Using the “Name Colors” option. If you would rather use the Non-Web safe colors use the Name Colors option. Click on the drop down menu at the top and select the “Name Colors” option. A table of colors arranged alphabetically will display. Click on the name of the color you wish to use. The name should then appear in the ColorPicker text box and the EZ-ColorPicker window will close.