To go to the payment options click on the ez-order button under the construction tools tab. Then click on the Payment options button. In this screen you can configure your merchant account to accept Automated Clearing House (ACH) transactions, Credit Cards, and now Paypal.
To use the ACH feature you must have that feature available through your merchant account. Innuity Paperless Checks (IPC) provides your customers with the convenience of making online purchases by debiting their personal checking accounts. A customer fills in a form on your site with bank and account information found at the bottom of his or her personal check. The information is processed as an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) to the customer's account via the ACH. Note: The ACH is only a memo field for the merchant it is not a part of the real-time transaction field as in the credit card section of the tools.
To use the credit card feature you must have it set up to use the real-time transaction feature of the tools. If you do not have a merchant account that uses Authorize Net as the gateway , you will need to process your orders manually. To configure your real-time transaction click on configure next to credit cards. In the next screen just enter in your user id for Authorize Net and password. If Password-Required Mode is enabled in your Merchant account your password is required for transactions, otherwise this is an optional field. For additional security authorize net has added Another field called a "Transaction Key". For additional information on how to set up the transaction key. click here The transaction key is similar to a password and is used by the payment gateway to authenticate transactions. The transaction key can be obtained at the Authorize Net Homepage. click here to obtain a Transaction Key. For Quick Commerce you need your ECXid number. When inputted correctly your real-time transaction is activated and ready to process credit cards.
To use the new Paypal feature you must have a PayPal account already created. All you need to do is click on configure next to Paypal and in the next screen enter your email address you used to register with Paypal. This will now allow you to use Paypal to accept payments. If you do not have a Paypal account click on the Paypal referral button below to go to Paypal and open a new account. Note: The Paypal feature is only available through the form builder.