Comments and Additional Information
The Comments and Additional Information configuration menu will allow you to add additional comments to the top and bottom of each of your EZ-Checkout pages. It will also allow you to add radio buttons or text input fields to gather additional information as your customers complete the checkout process.
Access Comments and Additional Information
The "Comments and Additional Information" menu is located in the EZ-Checkout configuration menu, accessible from the Member Tools Construction Tab. From this menu choose the page you wish to customize:
- Address Page - This is the page where customers will enter their billing and shipping address information. Possible information you may wish to gather are how many children in the home, whether they would accept calls, whether they would like a follow-up email, etc.
- Shipping Page - This is the page where customers will select the method of shipping. Here would be a good page to gather special shipping instructions.
- Payment Page - On the payment page a customer can select from possible methods of payment. Ask here whether they have purchased before.
- Confirmation Page - The Confirmation or Order Summary pages may be good places to ask about the customer's overall satisfaction with your site. A comments box is provided on this page in addition to radio buttons and a selection field.
- Order Summary Page - The comments from this page will appear in Retrieve Orders, but will not be displayed in the email. Because this is after the order process has been completed, a customer must click on "Return to Site" for this information to be sent to you.
After selecting which page you wish to configure, you are brought to a screen that has that page's configuration. The text you enter in the first two fields of this configuration will appear above and below the corresponding checkout page, respectively.
Below the comments fields of each page's configuration, are the additional information options. Be sure to enter a title under "Additional Information." This is the title that will appear above your radio buttons. The radio buttons will not appear without a title. In the "Free Text Input" field enter the title of the information box that will appear under the radio buttons. Type your desired length in the "length" field.