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This option allows you to configure the confirmation page that your customers will be sent to after they submit their information in the EZ-MailList. Your customers will also receive a system-generated email with your email address informing them they have been added to the MailList.

Confirmation Title: Enter in the title of your confirmation page.

Confirmation Text: In this text field, write a message that informs your customer that they have been added to the EZ-MailList.

Confirmation Back Button Graphic: Using the EZ-Browse, you can find a graphic that you would like to use for the back button. You can upload your own back button graphic, or use one of our stock buttons. In your EZ-Browse, find the 'back' folder under the '/stock/buttons' folders. Select the button you would like to use and click open. If left blank, a simple text line will replace the graphic that displays "Click here to return to our site".

Confirmation Back Button URL: Here you will enter the page address you would like to have your customers go to after visiting the confirmation page. You can type in the URL or use the EZ-Browse to find a page in your account. If left blank, the link will take your customers back to your index page.

Click the 'Submit' button to save all of your changes. Click on 'Main Menu' to return to the EZ-MailList Menu. Now, click on Interests to add any interests that you would like your customers to have the option of subscribing to. If you do not want to have any interests, skip this step.


EZ-Mailing List 
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