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Click on "Categories". (Note: Displays will show 100 categories or associates at a time)
View the buttons at the top. Some of these buttons require that a Category be selected first. The first Category entered will automatically be selected at all times, this being the default category.
Adding a new category to the Directory.
- Click on the "Add" button, the Add page will now appear.
- The description will be the name of that certain category (for example: Grocery Stores or Ear Doctors.)
- The Parent Category option is available after at least 1 category is entered. (Parent means that the category you are entering now is going to be a subcategory, and parent category allows you to choose which more general category you will like it to show up under.) An example would be to create a category named Auto, then add Auto Parts, Auto Dealers, Auto Repair as new categories and select Auto as their Parent Category.
- The Web site allows you to create a separate page that can contain more information about a category. Enter in the URL here or use EZ-Browse to select the page.
- The graphic field allows you to display a creative graphic at the top of that category. Enter the file path to the graphic here or use EZ-Browse to search for the graphic.
- Click Submit to finish.
- Repeat this process for as many categories that you would like to include.
Note: All categories will be shown in alphabetical order no matter what order it was actually added. Parent categories will be distinguished by a plus sign to the left of its name. When clicked, that category will expand to show its subcategories.
Edit button
This will allow you to edit the selected Category and change the same information inputted when the Category was added.
The Activate button
The "Activate" button allows a previously "Deactivated Category" to be reactivated. You will have to click in the box next to View All to display all Categories including "Deactivated Categories". "Deactivated Categories" will be displayed in red. Click the radio button on the left of the category you want to activate and then click the "Activate" button.
The Deactivate button
This will allow you to take a Category off the list but not completely delete it. Click the radio button to the left of the Category you want to deactivate, then click the "Deactivate" button.
The Delete button
This feature will allow you to completely delete a Category. Click on the radio button to the left of the Category you want to delete, the click the Delete button. A verification message will appear asking to confirm the deletion. Clicking Yes will delete the Category and any links to Associates listed in that Category. Clicking No will return to the Editing menu.
The Return button
This will return to the Main EZ-Directory menu.
Expand All
By clicking in the Expand All check box, all Categories and Subcategories will be displayed. The default setting is to show only the Categories, not the Subcategories. This same function can be performed by clicking the plus sign to the left of a Category with a Subcategory.
View All
By clicking in the View All check box, both the Active and Deactivated Categories will be shown. Deactivated accounts will be shown in red.
While in the main EZ-Directory menu, click on "Associates".
Add button
This will allow you to add a new Associate. Follow the instructions below to add your associates. This can also be added using the import feature;
- Click on Add to begin.
- Enter in the appropriate information for each text box. The Organization will be the title or name of the Associate.
- Type: (Required) Standard type is a regular listing, which will display company name, address, phone numbers, and the contact's name. A Premier type is the special listing that appears at the top of the Category in a different color with the graphical options of linking to a Website, Email, Map, Audio Clip, or More Info. (Note: Premier listing must be selected in order for these items to be displayed.) Also, the Premier listing will include a normal listing in addition to the Premier listing.
- Skip the Add and Delete buttons for right now they allow the associate record to be added to a category. However this will be the last step taken when you are done with an associate record.
- First and Last Name are for the contact person at that organization.
- The next boxes are for inputting the organization=s address,
- City
- State: (REQUIRED) (unless you set this option to blank)
- Phone number
- Toll-free phone number
- Fax number
- Email address
- The Web site text box (Premier Listing only) will place a globe icon in the directory with a link going to the location of whatever URL you enter here.
- The Graphic box (Premier Listing only) can be a link to a special graphic or advertisement page for that particular associate.
- Audio files (Premier Listing only) need to be compressed using the Clipstream Compressor and uploaded into the File Manager before the name of that file will show in this dropdown menu. Select an audio file from the menu.
- Entering a password, this feature is currently not available and then retyping for verification will allow changes to be updated by that organization themselves on a separate page, rather than the EZ-Net Tools account owner.
- Description (Premier Listing only) of the organization can be entered in the Description box, up to 255 characters.
- GPS Coordinates (Premier Listing only) can also be added for an exact location if these are available for their associate.
- Marking "Yes" next to Sign up to Newsletter will add the organization's email address to the EZ-Directory database for a mass email marketing messages to go out from the owner of the EZ-Net Tools account. Marking "No" will not add it.
- Click on Submit when finished. Clicking on Return will exit the process and go back to the Edit Associates menu.
Edit button
This will allow you to edit the selected Associate and change the same information inputted when the Associate was added.
Activate button
This option will allow a previously Deactivated Associate to be reactivated. You will need to click in the box next to View All to display all Associates including Deactivated Associates. (Deactivated Categories will be displayed in red.) Click the radio button on the left of the Associate that you want to activate and then click the "Activate" button.
Deactivate button
This allows you to take an Associate off the list but not completely delete it. Click on the radio button to the left of the Associate you want to deactivate, then click the "Deactivate" button.
Delete button
The "Delete" buton will allow you to completely delete an Associate. Click in the circle to the left of the Associate you want to delete, the click the Delete button. A verification message will appear asking to confirm the deletion by clicking "Yes" or "No".
Return button
By clicking "Return" this will return to the Main EZ-Directory menu.
Search box
A very helpful function to use after many associates have been added; this is to eliminate the need for scrolling down a page until you find the right one. Enter in part or the entire organization name for the associate you are trying to find and click Search.
Show Linked
Shows all associates linked to that category.
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