Email Problems on the morning of April 22, 2008
Around midnight, Wednesday morning, April 22, one of our email servers experience some problems. As a result we had to take that server out of service. As a result, some of our customer were not able to retrieve their email. This is a temporary problem. We anticipate that no email messages will be lost.
Status - April 24 2:00 PM
We have completed the restoration of the inboxes that have been missing for the last two days. These messages were put in a new folder labeled “recovered - 2009/04/24". In some cases more than folder was created.
Status - April 23, 2009 3:00 PM
We are making good progress towards recovering the missing inboxes. However, it will not happen today. These missing messages will be put into a new folder of each account rather than being merged with the messages in the current inbox.
Status - April 23, 2009 10:00AM
Throughout the morning yesterday, we were able to restore the folders in the selected email accounts that experienced problems that day. At that time, the accounts began receiving emails that had been sent from midnight yesterday morning.
The messages that were in the inbox of the affected accounts prior to midnight yesterday morning have not yet been restored. We are still working on recovering these messages.
These selected accounts may not have been able to add new email accounts yesterday. That process was restored yesterday evening.
Yesterday afternoon and this morning, we have received notice of a few email accounts that do not appear to have been restored properly. If you are one of these accounts that cannot receive or send emails, please contact technical support at 800-460-9368.
This is the status as of 8:00 AM Mountain Savings Time, Wednesday, April 22,2009.
Our system administrator is working to restore service to those customers who were affected. He will be restoring service in phases.
First, the ability to receive emails will be restored in the morning. This will allow any new email messages to be delivered and any messages in suspense during the outage can start to be delivered.
Second, messages in folders other than the inbox will restored, also in the morning.
Finally, the messages that were in the inbox at the time we experienced the problem should be restored.
We apologize for the problems you are experiencing.