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Updates to EZ-Catalog Import and Export

The EZ-Catalog import and export tools have been modified to accommodate several new features available in the catalog system.

Product and Attribute status.  Last Fall we added the ability to deactivate a product.  At the same time we added the ability to have attributes to products and to have attributes deactivated as well.  However, this information could not be imported nor exported.  With this latest update, both of these data elements can now be exported and exported.

No Shipping Option.  Sometimes it is necessary to have a product that is excluded from any shipping calculations.  This is very helpful if your are selling intangible as well as tangible products such as a membership fee or a news letter subscription.  This latest upgrade will allow this data to be exported and imported.  (Once we have provided for the ability to import and export the information, we will modify the screens to allow this option to be selected.  See a related announcement.)

Import will correctly handle missing, trailing data fields.  The information about product attributes is located at the end of the record for each product.  When products do not have attributes, this information is missing.  If you are maintaining your product file in some spreadsheet programs, notably EXCEL, the file exported from the spreadsheet program would not provide a marker indicating the space was allocated for the data but was missing.  For those who imported their catalog regularly, this was a messy problem.  With this change, the import program will recognize that the data is missing and make the appropriate adjustments.


 New Features