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Masking of Credit Card Information
In Retrieve Orders
Image of EZ-FileManger with arrow to launch Page
In response to requirements from the credit card industry to ensure the security of personal credit card information, we made the following changes to EZ-NetTools “Retrieve Orders” tools.

First, data associated with credit cards that have been AUTHORIZED will not be visible. Some digits of the credit card will be visible with the rest of the numbers will be masked. If you manually process the credit card information, the account owner will still be able to see the full credit card information.

Second, resellers will not be able see credit card information associated with online orders accessed through the reseller tools. Only the first two and the last four digits will be displayed.

Third, the EZ-NetTools technical support staff will no longer be able to view the credit card information associated with any online orders. Our technical support staff will still be able to access other functions of your tools in order to assist our customers. However, the staff will only be able to see parts of the credit card information.

Since the above information may be confusing, the following table summarizes of who can see what types of credit card information.

Full Credit Card Data Visible?
Real Time Transactions Manual Transactions Access Path
No No EZ-NetTools Technical support Staff thru special log in process
No No Reseller through Reseller tools
No Yes Accessing account via member account log in
This change took affect Wednesday, October 14, 2009, earlier than we anticipated because of a large phishing attack directed at many of our customers.

We realize that this change may inconvenience some customers. However, the credit card industry is requiring that access to credit card information be limited to a “need to know” basis. This is a very reasonable requirement that EZ-NetTools supports. This restriction will greatly reduce potential risks to EZ-NetTools and to our customers regarding credit card information that could be compromised.

We encourage you to always take care with the personal credit card information you have access to.

If you have any comments or concerns, feel free to contact technical support.

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