EZ-Photo Album is an easy-to-use Hostware® that makes displaying photographs on the web a breeze. It is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance business websites as well as personal or family websites.
Contents: (Click on link to jump to that section.)
The "All Albums" page has two sections, the action buttons at the top and the table listing all of the albums is located underneath. If you wish you can change any of the information about the album such as the title and description by clicking on the 'edit' link for the album.
Create Album - Click to create a new, empty album. You will add photos in the Upload step. You will be taken to another page where you will give the album a Title, a description, and other configuration information. The next section will describe this page in more detail.
Upload - Click here to upload your photos into your album. You will be taken to the EZ-Browse page. You will be asked which album the photos pertain to. Note that you can also upload photos in the Album page described below. (refer to EZ-Browse help text).
Rename - After selecting an album by putting a check in the box next to the album, click this button to change the album name. Note that the album name is not the same as the album title. The album name is more for internal use whereas the album title is what is displayed on the generated pages.
Delete - After selecting an album by putting a check in the box next to the album name, click this button to delete the album. This will delete the album and all photos associated with that album.
Refresh - Clicking this button refreshes table listing all the albums. Normally the page refreshes itself. However, if album creation process terminates abnormally, the table may not refresh itself. Use this option to refresh the table yourself.
Return - Clicking this button returns user to construction tools.
Help - Clicking this button brings you to this page in the help text.
Below the buttons, album information is arranged in a table. A description of the columns follow.
Name - This is the folder name in EZ-File Manager where photo album is located. If you click on the name you will taken to a page listing all the photos in the album. When you create an album, a folder name is automatically assigned. However, if you wish you can change the name using the rename button.
Title - The title was assigned when the album was created. This same title will appear on all album pages. It can be changed by selecting the edit link to the right of the album title.
Actions - Clicking 'edit' allows user to edit the basic settings that were chosen when the album was created. Clicking 'preview' allows user to preview the corresponding album.
Folder Name - The folder name is another name for the album name. While the album name is assigned when the album is created, you can change it before the album is created or later by clicking on the 'edit' link on the All Album page. (Note: This is the name that will appear as a folder name when using EZ-File Manager.)
Album Title - This is the title used for the album name. The title will appear on all pages that EZ-PhotoAlbum creats. It will apear under the thumbnails and each of the individual pages.
Album Description - This is where the brief description of album theme, content, or subject matter can be added/edited.
Rows per page - Defines the maximum number of rows of thumbnail images per page to display in album overview mode. It is set to five by default.
Columns per page - This defines the maximum number of columns of thumbnail images per page to display in album overview mode. It is set to three by default.
If the total number of images cannot be displayed in the rows and columns defined, then as many additional thumbnail pages will be created as are required to display all the photos in the album. The reason for limiting the number of thumbnails per page is to speed up the load time for any one page.
Maximum thumbnail dimensions - This sets the maximum dimension in pixels that the system generated thumbnails will be. By default, it is set to 100x100 and either can be changed to reflect a range of 25 to 500.
Buttons - The Submit button creates and saves the new photo album with the displayed settings. The Cancel button discards the new album creation and takes user back to the all albums page.
The Album Page lists all the photos that are included in the album. Using the links associated with each photo you can add a title and description to each photo that will appear on the generated pages.
Upload - Click here to upload your photos into your album. You will be taken to the EZ-Browse page. You will be asked which album the photos pertain to. Note that you can also upload photos in the All Albums page described above. (refer to EZ-Browse help text).
Rename - After selecting an image by putting a check in the box next to the image, click this button to change the image name. Note that the image name is not the same as the image title.
Delete - After selecting an image by putting a check in the box next to the image name, click this button to delete the image. This will delete the image and can be used to delete multiple images at once.
Refresh - Clicking this button refreshes table listing all the images in the selected album. Normally the page refreshes itself. However, if the image edit process terminates abnormally, the table may not refresh itself. Use this option to refresh the table yourself..
Return - Clicking this button returns user to all albums page in EZ-Photo Album.
Help - Clicking this button brings you to this page in the help text.
Below the buttons, image information is arranged in a table. A description of the columns follow.
Name - This is the file name of the image. The images in the album are sorted by the file name. If you wish to change the order of the images, you must rename then into an alphabetical order you desire.
Title - This is the image title. It can be changed by selecting the edit link to the right of the image title. The title appears whenever the photo is displayed.
Actions - Clicking 'edit' allows user to edit the basic settings of images such as image title, description, and custom thumbnail. Clicking 'preview' allows user to preview the corresponding album or image.
Because EZ-Photo Album is a subset of EZ-File Manager, all files are visible in both EZ-File Manager and EZ-Browse. Be careful when editing these files.
By Jim Burres - Technical Support Representative - Feb 2004
EZ Net-University
EZ-PhotoAlbum Quick Start Guide
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